Individual Therapy

Live Authentically,

Strengthen Relationships,

Find Personal Fulfillment

At Expansive Therapy Collective, we believe that the therapist-client relationship is one of the most important tools through which personal growth and change occur in individual therapy. Our approach to therapy is collaborative and client-centered, tailoring treatment to meet each individual's unique needs and goals. We work hard to provide a safe and nonjudgmental space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Why should I go to therapy?

Some of our specialties when working with individuals in therapy are:

  • Healing wounds from childhood

  • Exploring personal, gender, and sexual identity

  • Navigating major changes and life transitions

  • Building better personal relationships

  • Healing after sexual, spiritual, or medical trauma

  • Exploring new relationship dynamics or sexual interests

  • Strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Working out issues related to body image, weight, and body shame*

  • Managing shame, fear, and anxiety around sex

  • Building a more self-compassionate internal dialogue

*Note: At this practice, we believe in Health At Every Size and will work with you to explore, unpack, and resolve past negative experiences with diet culture, size discrimination, disordered eating, and societal messaging around bodies. We love to discuss and provide advice on intuitive eating, moving your body more in ways that feel good, and coping strategies for feelings of shame about your body, but will always acknowledge the harmful societal expectations and systems that convince individuals that their bodies are problems to be solved. Your body is not a problem, but the ways in which the world is not set up to be accessible to certain bodies is.