Our Team

About Me

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with almost two decades of experience in social work and therapy, licensed in Illinois and Colorado. I received my post-graduate training in Sex Therapy from the University of Michigan (2016-18).  My work is deeply informed by my experiences as a therapist, faculty member, friend, partner, former partner, parent/co-parent, social worker, and cancer survivor. As someone deeply moved by and invested in relationships, I am grateful for the chance to cherish both my work and the individuals I support through it. (I recognize the economic and educational privilege of this statement - I see the impact of professional gatekeeping, and the issue of marginalizing folks who have instinctual, community, or ancestral wisdom. I believe white, institutionally-educated therapists have a responsibility to address appropriation, promote the voices and wisdom of marginalized communities, and support inclusive and expansive healing modalities outside of our own.)

Why Work With Me?

My passion is to support individuals whose identities and relationships defy conventional norms. These clients often navigate multiple subcultures, adopt various roles for self-protection, and experience significant burnout and trauma from constant transitions between their communities of origin, workplaces, and current relationships. I am dedicated to helping you find well-being amidst these challenges. This includes mindful healing from trauma, but also moving beyond, to identify and assertively pursue relationship and life ideals, even if they don't have a pre-set mold or template in our society.

Couples Therapy

As a relationship therapist, I am warm and highly involved in the therapeutic process. Many couples seek my help and refer others because of my attentiveness and direct approach, especially related to interrupting harmful patterns, getting out of stuckness, or de-escalating sessions. As a seasoned therapist, I understand the importance of kind directness. That said, I recognize that I can make mistakes, and I’m not afraid to apologize during or after a session. Modeling repair and reconnection can be immensely healing for our attachment systems.

Individual Therapy

As a queer therapist, I understand the complexities of building a life and relationships without traditional templates. I am committed to helping you cultivate a life brimming with joy and genuine connections that resonate with your heart, mind, and body. My approach is warm, engaged, and non-judgmental as I assist you in navigating your unique journey. Together, we will work on mindful healing from trauma, identifying your true aspirations, and assertively pursuing your personal and relational goals. Whether you are redefining your identity, seeking deeper connections, or striving for personal growth, I will support you in aligning your life with your core values and dreams.

Therapy Modality

I draw from a variety of methods and practices, including modalities outside of the therapy realm.  Some favorites of mine are Internal Family Systems, Relational Life Therapy (RLT), feminist (recognizing the harmful impact of gender oppression on all gender identities), Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT), narrative techniques, Wheel of Consent work, and anti-oppressive practices. I regularly seek supervision, teach, and supervise other therapists , attend trainings, and read the newest books in our field (see our resource list for some favorites!).

Court Bilbrey LCSW

Founder of Expansive Therapy Collective

Sex , Relationship, and Discernment Therapist

A woman therapist standing in front of her office for helping clients with body image, desire, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues, open relationships, and medical trauma

Emily McAfee SW-C

Sex, Relationship, and Trauma Therapist

Manager of Clinical Operations

About Me

I am a queer, polyamorous, neurodivergent sex therapist and coach with deep passion for my work. I am especially passionate about working with individuals, couples, and relational systems on issues like emerging identities (sexuality/gender/non-monogamy exploration, coming out), relationship transitions (conscious uncoupling, “opening up” the relationship), and recovery from sexual, relationship, religious, and medical trauma. I received my master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Denver, and my bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

Why Work With Me?

I believe that sex is an excellent tool for connection and intimacy, and that for many it is also an exciting creative outlet. As a sex therapist, I am committed to creating a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to share their experiences and concerns. I hope to work with you to address your concerns and improve the quality of your intimate relationships.

Therapy Style

I use a relational and integrated approach to facilitate insightful therapy sessions. My approach integrates aspects of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Narrative Therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, and Feminist Therapy (recognizing the harmful impact of gender oppression on all genders). In my practice, I endorse the Health at Every Size model and am passionate about challenging both external and internalized weight stigma and anti-fat bias. I am committed to anti-oppressive practice and recognizing the intersections of oppression, privilege, and power dynamics in individuals, relationships, and systems.